How to use Videomatics
– Maintenance

Use the maintenance section of the website to review maintenance tasks, communicate with the engineers, and confirm or reject scheduled tasks.

Searching & sorting

Use the ‘Hide Completed’ button to quickly find only the open or uncompleted tasks.

You can sort the table by each and every column, both last-to-first and first-to-last.
You can use the in-built search form to search by status, job-type or registration. Don’t forget to click ‘View Report’ to see the results.
Hit the ‘Reset’ button to view all tasks in the table again.

Confirm or reject work on your vehicles

Once you have found the open worksheet, simple click the ‘confirm’ button on the right of the table, and then complete notes and submit the form.
Similarly, you can reject a job by clicking on the ‘reject’ button, completing the details, and submitting the form.

View scheduled tasks in a calendar

menuYou may prefer to view tasks on a calendar. This is one click away – by selecting ‘schedule’ under the spanner-icon maintenance item in the left-hand menu. You can click on any item in this calendar to view details. Colour-coding of scheduled tasks in your calendar view is linked to the work type.

Schedule view

Arrange new maintenance work for your vehicle

If you need to arrange for maintenance or repair of any ICanProve.IT technology on your vehicle, first access the vehicle details page by clicking on the vehicle’s registration in any table.
(You may find it helpful to start with the vehicle status table, which lists all your vehicles that have ICanProve.IT equipment on board.)
Click the ‘Create Worksheet’ button with the spanner.

Schedule view

Choose the appropriate work-type from the drop-down list, then select the date and time that would fit best with your schedule.
While we can not guarantee this time until we have booked it with our team of engineers and fitters, we will always work around your schedule so as to cause you the least disruption.
Enter notes to communicate any details of this work with us, so that we fully understand your needs.


menuKeep an eye out for notifications in the portal. These will appear as an alert bar, or as a red icon on the menu. The number tells you how many tasks require your attention.

Schedule view

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